Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anita's medical SCHTUFF

Well, I've been a busy little bee. I've decided to go to the doctor for all of the check-ups appointments etc that I've been putting off for too long. I'm super excited because my blood work came back so good. My efforts to eat better are paying off! My cholesterol, blood sugar, everything, is normal! My blood pressure is also normal! Yay! I have been struggling with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood sugar for years.
Hippocrates - "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" 
That's been my philosophy for last couple of years and it is paying off! YAY! 
I've also been plagued with vertigo. I've had it off and on for most of my adult life. But since January it has been plaguing me almost nonstop. So I went to my doctor for that as well. After she ruled out nerve damage and I don't remember what all, she just kind of said "bummer." She gave me a referrral to a hearing and balance center to test for Benign Positional Vertigo. But they wouldn't take our insurance... argh. So I did a little more research on my own and found tons of videos on youtube about how to test for and treat vertigo. There's something called the Epley (sp?) maneuver. Oh my gosh it works. This last week is the best I've felt in four months! During those last four months my vertigo has been so bad I couldn't do much of anything and as a result, I've gained even more weight- joy. BUT I feel like I'm finally able to start exercising again. What a relief. Time to dust off the treadmill:-)


  1. Anita, I found your blog via research on neuro reorganization. I read your bio and wanted to ask if you would be interested in speaking to me about my son. We adopted him from Russia 10 years ago at age 3. I have some specific questions for you.

    Thanks, Francine
    Francine@ welcome home neighbor. Com
    (No spaces)

  2. Francine, you must be talking about my other blog "Our family." I'd be happy to answer your questions, but I am not a therapist and can share my own experiences...

  3. Tracy has benign positional vertigo from a car accident and has some exercises (maybe the same ones you did?) that really help. You should chat! A couple years ago my doctor thought I might have a tumor because I had tinnitus really bad in one ear, hearing loss and vertigo. But it turned out to be Cochlear Hydrops. I was diagnosed by a hearing doc. It's a form of Meniere's Disease and basically just means I have too much fluid in my inner ear. I went on high blood pressure meds (water pills) and started eating a low sodium diet and it helped so much! My hearing even came back from half deaf in one ear to full hearing in that ear! The body is ca-razy! I'm so glad you are staring to feel better!
